Hello Everyone!!
I have officially started training Ollie again for the show ring. He had a month or so off of riding because of all of the snow but for a few days the weather is going to be in the 40-50 degree area, so I thought it would be a good idea to go ahead and get him out today. I wanted to see how much he remembered from our last training session.
He remembered nearly everything. Of course he was a little harder on the bit than he was a few months ago but in a few days that will be gone. He is still good in his lateral flexion, and was counter-bending and disengaging his hind and front end easily. Sadly not all of the snow has melted so it was harder for him to do some of the other exercises. I am very happy with how much he retained, and I cannot wait to see more progress!!
My sister offered to take picture which I was very happy about, and so now I have some to show you!!
"Ollie!" (He saw other horses). |
"Ollie we need to take this picture...." |
Just so you all know, I was wearing a helmet until I took it off for these pictures. Ollie and I had already ridden for a while and his mind was in a good place, otherwise I would have never taken it off. :)
I honestly have no idea what I was doing in these next two pictures.....
Ollie was doing so good that I took of out of the round pen and into our front pasture.
I was not out for much longer afterwards because I do not want Ollie to get hurt in the deep snow, but it was fun to get pictures in!
Rider's view. :) |
So excited to see how much Ollie and I will progress in the coming months! Stay tuned!!