Hello Everyone!
Today I paid my sister to take a bunch (438) pictures of Ollie and I. Lots of snow was in the round pen and he didn't want to do a lot of running in it (which I understand) so our ride wasn't very long. However, he was perfect and was so good that I ended up taking his bridle off and riding him without it.
Of course, I also did some quick collection and bending work. For Ollie, he needs lots of flex repetition for him to get soft. He learns fast, but for him to be where I want him takes longer. I am looking for him to be really, really soft.
Collection at the walk |
Lateral Flexion |
Bending the Ribs |
Collection at the trot. |
Then I let him loose. I didn't want to do too much bending in the snow so I mostly left him alone with that.
Then I decided to take his bridle off......
...and ask for the walk, trot and canter.
He did great!!! As soon as I asked for him to stop he would, he would turn, backup, and stay to the outside of the circle when I asked him. I love my boy. :)
I hope this weather holds out so that the snow can melt and I can ride him even more. He is going to be a great show horse someday!